





From: September 1, 1943
To: September 30, 1943


Copies to:

Original to Commandant, U. S. Marine Corps,
Commander Air Force, Pacific Fleet,
Commanding General, Marine Air Wings, South Pacific,
Commanding General, Marine Air Wings, Pacific


Composition of Flight Echelon

Commanding Officer

Major A. N. GORDON
Executive Officer
First Division
VOLCANSEK, M. J. Jr, Major
REID, W. O., 1st. Lt.
WILLIAMS, J. B., 3rd., 1st. Lt.
CRAIG, J. 3rd. 1st. Lt.
Fourth Division
GORDON, A. N., Major
MORRIS, J. P., 1st. Lt.
YEAGER, S. J., 1st. Lt.
WILSON, R. W., 1st. Lt.
Second Division
SAPP, D. H., Major
JONES, C. D., 2nd. Lt.
TURNER, H. M., 1st. Lt.
HOBBS, R. L., 1st. Lt.
Fifth Division
CARNAGEY, P. W., Major
GHER, W. C., 1st. Lt.
MOORE, I. E., 1st. Lt.
SCHAEFFER, R. A., 1st. Lt.
Third Division
MOORE, W. D., Capt.
CARRELL, W. B., 2nd. Lt.
KOETSCH, J. F., 1st. Lt.
HAZLETT, W. W., 1st. Lt.
Sixth Division
NEWLANDS, J. P., Capt.
NUGENT, J. T., 1st. Lt.
PANKHURST, F. L., 1st. Lt.
WITT, J. W., 1st. Lt.
McLEAN, C. T., 1st. Lt.
LEACH, J. M., 1st. Lt.
HUGHES, F. E., 1st. Lt.
FOSTER, J. M., 1st. Lt.

Flight Surgeon

Intelligence Officer
SCHAEFER, G. C., Jr., Mar. Gun.


September 1

  Flying secured, preparations made for moving up.
September 2
  No flying. Officers meet, with luggage, for chow; and transportation to "SCAT" at 2330.

September 3

At 0330,
the Flight Echelon takes off and proceeds, via "SCAT", to CACTUS where they land at 0715. Major VOLCANSEK reports to Col. MANLEY, the S.N.A.F. for further orders.
At 1300,
the officers are briefed by Col. TYLER, Fighter Command, during which a condition red has twelve of the pilots manning F4F's to stand by on scramble alert. Take off was unnecessary before the all clear.
September 4
  No flying, the officers prepare to move up to SHAG [Munda Airfield, New Georgia] to relieve VMF-215.

September 5

At 0615,
Major VOLCANSEK's First Division, and Major SAPP’s Second Division, escort, flying F4Us, three "SCAT” planes carrying the other officers and luggage, to SHAG. They land at 0750 and VMF 222 relieves VMF 215.
At 1105,
Majors GORDON's and SAPP's, and Capt. MOORE's Divisions are scrambled during a condition red but pancake at 1125, no contacts.
At 1315,
Major CARNAGEY's Division, with HUGHES substituting for SCHAEFFER, takes off on observation and possible strafing of VILA Airfield. Lack of targets excluded strafing. They drew some A.A. from well-hidden emplacements on the hill north of the strip, on their second run. They pancaked at 1415,
At 1320,

Lt. SCHAEFER is sent on a lone search over KULA GULF for missing plane but he pancaked at 1415, negative.

Lt. WILLIAMS takes over the lead of the First Division as Major VOLCANSEK develops a stiff neck. Lt. McLEAN fills in while Lt. REID leads in the Second Section. This Division plus CARNAGEY's Fifth and NEWLANDS' Sixth, takes off at 1630 on "Moonbeam" patrol over VELLA LAVELLA and pancake at 1830 with nothing to report.

September 6

At 1600,

GORDON's Fourth Division goes on a strafing mission of Kolombangara but land at 1745 after finding nothing to strafe.

SAPP's and MOORE's Second and Third Divisions, are scrambled at 1615 and after making no contacts, continue with "Moonbeam” patrol over VELLA LAVELLA. They pancake at 1830 after an uneventful patrol.

September 7
At 0605,

WILLIAM's First, and CARNAGEY's Fifth Divisions, take off on "Moonbeam" patrol which turns into task force cover as they patrol over the shipping, leaving it almost at BARAKOMA before landing at 0750.

At 0700,
SAPP’s Second Division takes off and lands at 0900 after a two-hour task force cover flight.
Lt. MORRIS, the only one of the Fourth Division not to have trouble with his plane, joins up on some P-39s and patrolled over the task force from 0830 until 1030.
Major VOLCANSEK comes off the sick list assumes lead of the First Division and a Seventh Division is formed of the spares with McLEAN leading. This newly formed Division takes off at 1000 patrolling between BAGA I. and GONONGGA I. returning at 1215 with a negative report.
At 1130,
VOLCANSEK's First Division takes off protecting the task force by patrolling over northern VELLA LAVELLA until 1400, negative.
At 1130,
until 1345, CARNAGEY'S Fifth Division patrolled over VELLA LAVELLA, protecting shipping.
At 1300,
SAPP's Second Division patrols VELLA LAVELLA until 1515.
At 1300,
NEWLANDS' Sixth Division goes on patrol and is relieved over the GONONGGA area at 1515.
At 1600,
MOORE's Third Division takes off and patrols the BAGA I. to GONONGGA I. area until 1800. (Capt. MOORE made a beautiful "Dead-stick” landing after his engine quit close to the field.)
At 1630,
GORDON'S Fourth and McLEAN's Seventh Divisions, take off on task force cover. They land, with the safe return of the shipping to report, at 1830.
September 8

At 1045,

VOLCANSEK's division scrambled to search for regiment of Jap Troops reported to have landed near KUNDURUMBANGARA PT. They flew at tree level altitude four times and pancaked at 1200 with a negative report. They did observe a barge near ROPA PT., KOLOMBANGARA.

At 1330,
the First Division is sent back to strafe the barge they observed earlier. The action report explains its destruction fully. They also searched the north coast of VELLA LAVELLA again for signs of the troops but this was negative. They pancaked at 1520.
At 1600,
MOORE's Third Division is sent out to strafe a launch reported in DOLO BAY, KOLOBANGARA. The target could not but found as they searched the entire S.W. coast. They returned flying low over VILLA Airfield, drew some light A.A., but reported no other signs of life around there. They landed at 1720.
At 1615,
SAPP's Second Division, and GORDON's Fourth Division at 1630, take off on "Moonbeam" patrol. They all pancaked at 1830 with a negative report,
At 1640,
CARNAGEY’s Fifth Division (minus I. E. MOORE) sent out to strafe targets on the shores of KOLOBANGARA. They destroyed a barge in KUKUNDU BAY, (see action report), and landed at 1730.

September 9
NEWLANDS' Sixth Division sent up on local patrol, land at 0850, no observations, poor weather.
KAHILI strike, in which VOLCANSEK's Division (REID, WILLIAMS, CRAIG), SAPP's Division (JONES, TURNER, HOBBS), GORDON'S Division, (MORRIS, YEAGER, WILSON); and CARNAGEY's Division, (GHER, MOORE, SCHAEFFER) are sent to act as a fighter sweep in the rear of the bombers [Ed.: 18, 13th AF B-24s. 2 coastal guns are hit too]. Contact was made with 6 to 15 Zeros and Lt. REID was credited with a probable. We lost four F4Us with no pilots hurt when Lt. REID, Lt. WILIAMS, and Lt. MORRIS were forced to make water landings, and Lt. CRAIG had to bail out of a badly shot up plane. Complete details in the attached combat report. They landed at 1050.
take off, MOORE's Third Division, scrambled to intercept reported bogey headed south near CHOISEUL. The Division pancaked at 1100, no contact.
take off, SAPP's Second Division search for missing plane in the VELLA GULF with negative results, they pancake at 1540.

take off, MOORE's Third Division, "Moonbeam" patrols over VELLA LAVELLA. Returning, observed several barges in coves, KOLOMBANGARA and were fired on by light A.A. from RINGI COVE. Land, 1815.

take off, MOORE's Division cleared to strafe barges seen on previous flight. MOORE and CARRELL only able to get off and they leave three barges smoking at KOLOMBANGARA COVES before Landing at 1910.
September 10
take off, GORDON’s Fourth and SAPP's Second Divisions, "Moonbeam” patrol. GORDON takes a triangular course from KOLOBANGARA to NW tip of CHOISEUL and back over to VELLA LAVELLA but no contacts made and they pancake at 1815. SAPP's Division patrolled over VELLA LAVELLA observing the BARAKOMA strip to be good only for wheels-up emergency landings and then they burn a barge in PELIELI BAY, KOLOMBANGARA on returning, landing at 0845.
take-off, CARNAGEY's Fifth Division, and NEWLANDS' Sixth Division, cover SBDs on a strike at DOLO COVE, KOLOMBANGARA. No intercepting planes appeared as the cover observed good bomb pattern on the target. Pancake, 1445.
take off, SAPP's second and GORDON's Fourth Divisions, scrambled. (McLEAN substituting for MORRIS in the Fourth Division) The Second Division patrol between ARUNDEL and RENDOVA, no contact and land at 1535. The Fourth Division stationed over KOLOMBANGARA made no contact and pancake at 1550.
  [Ed.: Lts. Craig and Williams return this date to the squadron and tell their story]
September 11
take off, SAPP's second, CARNAGEY's Fifth, and MOORE's Third Divisions, provide cover for eight F4Us retiring from a strafing mission of KAHILI airfield. Rendezvous with the staffers was made over TREASURY ISLAND and they were escorted to base. No contact with enemy. Pancaked 1000. MOORE's Division sighted a barge in KOUKUNDU BAY, KOLOMBANGARA, made two passes from 200 feet and set this barge loaded with ropes and barrels, on fire. Lt. HAZLETT set some drums on fire, which were buried, on shore. Pancaked at 1015.
take off, NEWLANDS' Sixth Division, all forced to return because of engine trouble, and GORDON's Fourth, (McLEAN, YEAGER, and WILSON) furnish high cover for bomber strike on KAHILI. McLEAN observed 8-10 Zekes scissoring behind he and GORDON, and as GORDON started into a shallow dive McLEAN shot a Zeke off his tail. He is credited with a probable on this as termination of the tight spin the Zeke was in could not be observed but he was hit many times during the 6-8 bursts McLEAN got in. McLEAN landed with shots in the tail surfaces. YEAGER and WILSON encountered heavy A.A. over BALLALE when misjudgment brought them over that point. Pancake at 1320.
take off, WILLIAMS' First Division, (CRAIG, REID, and LEACH) furnish cover for strafers of coves on northern VELLA LAVELLLA. Forced to land at SEGI, because MUNDA closed in, at 1430. Returned, took off 1525, landed 1555.
take off, WILLIAMS' First Division (LEACH again substituting because Major VOLCANSEK sick with fever and dysentery), search for missing TBF in KULA GULF. Negative search. Pancake, 1840.

take off, MOORE's Third Division, escort PBYs, KULA GULLF, search for TBF pilots. Negative search, pancaked 1830.

take off, SAPP'S second Division (JONES, TURNER, HOBBS) volunteered strafe of KAHILI airfield without cover. Mission well planned and executed according to plan. The field, and surrounding revetment and camp area were hit hard by the staffers initiating their attack from 200 to 300 feet. It is estimated that at least seven aircraft were destroyed or damaged, at least one A.A. position silenced, injury to personnel in a large building and camp area as well as damage to a Destroyer anchored just off the strip, was accomplished. The staffers retired under very heavy A.A. fire but landed at 1940 without injury to themselves or aircraft.
September 12
  Japs expected to evacuate VELLA LAVELLA this day so a continuous patrol is kept over that point.
take off, GORDON's Fourth Division, patrol. Pancake, 0840.
take off, WILLIAMS' First Division, patrol and search KULA GULF for missing TBF pilots. Pancake at 0815.
take off, NEWLANDS' Sixth Division, patrol and search KULA GULF for missing TBF pilots. Pancake at 1000.
take off, MOORE's Third Division, patrol. Pancake, 1000.
take off, CARNAGEY's Fifth Division, patrol. Pancake, 1015.
take off, GORDON's Fourth Division, patrol. Pancake, 1240.
take off, WILLIAMS, alone, test hop, land 1300.
take off, MOORE's Third Division, and SAPP's Second Division, patrols over VELLA LAVELLA. MOORE'S Division land 1730, SAPP's Division pancake 1830.
take off, CARNAGEY'S Fifth and NEWLANDS' Sixth Divisions, patrol VELLA LAVELLA and pancake 1845. No contacts made during the whole day's operations.
September 13
take-off, CARNAGEY'S Fifth and MOORE'S Third Divisions, "Moonbeam" patrol over VELLA LAVELLA. Contact made with a Jap striking force estimated at 15 to 30 Zekes and Tonys and at least 8 Bettys. Major CARNAGEY's Division of GHER, MOORE and SCHAEFFER hit the attacking force first and managed to swing it away from the target, BARAKOMA, toward the central part of VELLA LAVELLA where Capt. MOORE's Division, (CARRELL, KOETSCH, HAZLETT) met them and turned the Japs for home. They pancaked at 0900 after Lt. I. E. MOORE shot down 1 Zeke, Lt. HAZLETT 1 Tony and Lt. W. D. CARRELL 1 Zeke. Our losses, Capt. W. D. MOORE, missing in action, and Major CARNAGEY's F4U, when he was forced to bail out over the field because his hydraulics and C02 system had been shot away making his flaps and landing gear useless.

take off, SAPP's second, WILLIAMS'S First, and GORDON and MORRIS of the Fourth, Divisions, scrambled. No contact. SAPP pancaked 0955, WILLIAMS pancaked 0935, and GORDON and MORRIS at 1010.

take off, CARRELL leading the Third Division, HUGHES' filling in, searches the north coast of VELLA LAVELLA for Capt. MOORE. Negative search, pancaked 1330.
take off, NEWLANDS' Division (NUGENT, PANKHURST, WITT), GORDON's Division (MORRIS, WILSON, FOSTER), scrambled to VELLA LAVELLA where 16 Zekes were intercepted. Major GORDON shot down 2 Zekes, Lt. WILSON downed 1 Zeke, all three confirmed by Lt. Foster who saw them crash. Our loss, one F4U, Lt. MORRIS forced to bail out over MUNDA with landing gear and flaps shot away.
take off, SAPP's Second, WILLIAMS' First, and McLEAN's Third (McLEAN now leading in the place of the missing Capt. W. D. MOORE’s Divisions), "Moonbeam" patrol, VELLA LAVELLA. No contact, pancake 1845.
take off, NEWLANDS and WITT to strafe targets on KOLOMBANGARA one barge strafed in BAMBARI HARBOR. Pancaked 1930.
September 14

take off, Major VOLCANSEK's First Division, (REID, WILLIAMS, CRAIG; SAPP's Second Division, (JONES, TURNER, HOBBS); maintain high cover for bombers striking KAHILI [30+ 13th AF B-24s]. GORDON's Fourth Division, (NUGENT for MORRIS, YEAGER, WILSON); McLEAN's Third Division, (HUGHES for CARRELL, KOETSCH, HAZLETT); medium cover and CARNAGEY'S Fifth Division, (GHER, MOORE, SCHAEFFER), close cover. Contact Made with an estimated 50 fighters by all Divisions, The score after the fight.

Major VOLCANSEK 1 Zeke 1 Probable
Major SAPP 2 Zekes  
Lt. YEAGER 1 Zeke 1 Probable
Lt. McLEAN 1 Tony  
Lt. CRAIG   1 Probable




Our losses, none. The bombers were escorted back down the slot and the cover pancaked at 1000

take off, NEWLANDS and WITT, high cover for bombers KAHILI strike, No contacts made pancake, 1450.
take off, SAPP's Second Division plus McLEAN and KOETSCH of the Third Division, scrambled over VELLA LAVELLA. No contact, land 1530.
September 15
take off, SAPP's Second Division, scrambled over KOLOMBANGARA. No contact, landed at 1000.
take off, VOLCANSEC's First and SAPP'S Second Divisions furnish high cover and GORDON's Fourth (LEACH for MORRIS, WILSON, WITT for YEAGER) Division gives medium cover for a bomber strike on KAHILI [13th AF B-24s], No contact made over KAHILI but Lt. REID returned and shot down a Hap over BALLALE after accompanying VOLCANSEK back to VELLA LAVELLA. The mission pancaked at 1220.
take off, CARNAGEY'S Fifth (GHER, MOORE, SCHAEFFER) and McLEAN's Third (HUGHES, KOETSCH, and HAZLETT), furnish high cover for a bomber strike on BALLALE. Contact an estimated 12 enemy fighters. Division gives medium cover for a bomber strike on KAHILI, of which Lt. McLEAN shot down 1 Zeke. The mission pancaked at 1240.
take off, Lt. JONES, radar calibration flight, pancake 1710.
take off, McLEAN's Third Division, cover LSTs to ARUNDEL. No contact, pancake 1815.
take off, CARNAGEY'S Fifth Division, local patrol, pancake after no contact at 1830.
September 16
take off, VOLCANSEK's First and NEWLANDS' Sixth, Divisions, furnish cover for bombers on KAHILI strike. Bombers not at rendezvous point, weather very bad, no contact with enemy. Land 0710.
take off, CARNAGEY’s Fifth Division, McLEAN’s Third Division and GORDON's Fourth (CARRELL for MORRIS, and WILSON), scrambled over VELLA LAVELLA, pancaked 1115, no contact.
take off, GORDON's Fourth (HUGHES for MORRIS, WILSON, YEAGER); McLEAN's Third (CARRELL, KOETSCH, HAZLETT); TURNER leading the second (HOBBS, JONES, LEACH); and CARNAGEY'S Fifth, Divisions, escort "Dumbo" in search between VELLA LAVELLA and SHORTLANDS. Results of search not observed, pancaked at 1715.
take off, Major SAPP patrols over MUNDA area as night fighter but makes no contact, pancakes 2340.
September 17
take off, CARNAGEY's Fifth Division, "Moonbeam" patrol, no contact, pancake 0830.
take off, GORDON's Fourth (MORRIS, YEAGER, WILSON) Division, furnish escort for "Dumbo". Negative search, pancake 1000.

VMF-214 relieves VMF-222 and 24 F4Us are ferried to the RUSSELLS by the six divisions. Lt. LEACH, FOSTER, AND HUGHES as well as DR. BRITTINGHAM and Mar. Gun. SCHAEFER are transported via "SCAT".

Major VOLCANSEK reports to Colonel HOPPER for duty. The officers are assigned quarters and because there are no planes in commission, no flying for the rest of the day.

September 18
No flying.
September 19
take off, Lt.' s. LEACH, WITT, and KOETSCH, test flights. LEACH and FOSTER pancake, 1010. KOETSCH lands at 1045.
take off, Lt. HAZLETT, test flight. Pancakes, 1110.
take off, Lt. FOSTER, test flight, lands 1310.
take off, Lts. McLEAN and CRAIG, to CACTUS. Pancake there at 1330. Returning 1345 to 1415.
September 20
take off, Major VOLCANSEK, to CACTUS, pancake at 1015. Return flight from 1325 to 1410.
take off, Lt. MORRIS, test flight investigates bogey, no contact, pancaked at 1030.
take off, Lt. FOSTER, test flight. Lands 1015.
take off, Lt. I.E. M0ORE and Lt. SCHAEFER, scrambled. No contact. Pancake 1630.
September 21
take off, test flight and radio check, Lt. J0NES pancaked 1010.
Lt. CRAIG pancaked 1010 and Lt. FOSTER landed at 1045.
September 22
take off, Lts. LEACH, HUGHES, and WITT, ferry survey planes to CACTUS. Returned via "SCAT”.
take off, Lt. YEAGER, familiarization flight. Pancakes 1015.
takeoff, GORDON's Fourth Division (MORRIS, WILSON, PANKHURST), escort five R4Ds to MUNDA. Pancake there at 1555.
take off from MUNDA; GORDON's Division escorts R4Ds back, landing at the RUSSELLS at 1745.
September 23
take off, VOLCANSEK'S First and McLEAN’s Third (HUGHES, for CARRELL), Divisions, furnish medium cover for SBDs attacking JAKOHNIA MISSION A.A. positions near KAHILI. Bombing good and cover very effective as 10 trailing Tonys failed to attack as the cover weaved over the bombers through their dive and as they retired. They pancaked 1115.
September 24
take off, CARNAGEY'S Fifth and NEWLANDS' Sixth Divisions, furnish cover to a task force from the RUSSELLS to BURAKU. Pancaked at 1345.
take off, Lt. CARRELL, test flight. Land 1630.
September 25
take off, GORDON's Fourth and NEWLANDS' sixth, Divisions, go to MUNDA for a days operations to cover shipping. They land there at 0655.
take off, GORDON's Fourth and NEWLANDS' Sixth, Divisions, patrol VELLA LAVELLA. No contacts pancake 0930.
take off, Lt. SCHAEFFER, test flight over RUSSELLS. Pancake 1430.
take off, GORDON's Fourth and NEWLANDS' Sixth, Division, return from MUNDA. Pancake 1800, RUSSELLS.
September 26
take off, Lt. JONES, test flight. Land 1035.
take off, Lt. KOETSCH, test, and pancake 1140.
take off, Lt. REID to CACTUS land there, 1335.
take off, Lt. REID, from CACTUS landing at RUSSELLS, 1730.
September 27
take off; SAPP's Second Division, escort eight R4Ds to MUNDA and returned landing at 0830.
take off, Lt. LEACH to CACTUS. Land 1300.
take off, Lt. LEACH, from CACTUS. Land 1400.
September 28
take off, NEWLANDS' Sixth and WILLIAMS' First (LEACH for VOLCAKSEK), Divisions, covered task force from BURAKU to RUSSELLS. Pancaked 0940,
take off, Lt. CARRELL, test flight, land, 1140.
September 29
take off, GORDON's Fourth and SAPP’s Second, Divisions, cover task force from RUSSELLS to TULAGI. Pancake 1015. (Major GORDON has blowout on take off and makes a beautiful landing in spite of the flat tire).
take off, Lt. CARRELL, to CACTUS. Land 1020.
take off, Lt. CARRELL, from CACTUS to RUSSELLS. Land at 1215.
Lt. LEACH ferries an F4U to the north strip, RUSSELLS.
September 30

take off, GORDON's Fourth and NEWLANDS' Sixth (LEACH for WITT), escort R4D, containing the remainder of the squadron, to MUNDA. Arrive there at 1230,

VMF-222 relieves VMF 214 at 1300. 1440 take off, CARNAGEY's Fifth (GHER, MOORE, SCHAFFER) and NEWLANDS' Sixth (NUGENT, PANKHURST, WITT), Divisions, furnish close cover for [16, 13th A.A.F] B-24s on strike at KAHILI. Lt. GHER, MOORE, and SCHAEFFER ran into between 8 and 16 Zeros, GHER shooting down one, between VELLA LAVELLA and the SHORTLANDS. We suffered no loss and the pilots landed 1615.

take off, VOLCANSEK'S First DIVISION, local patrol over MUNDA. No contact pancaked 1645.


Name of Pilot Date Type Plane Sure Probable
Lt. W. O.REID   9, September Zeke   1
Lt. C. T. McLEAN 11, September Zeke   1
Maj. A. M. GORDON 13, September Zeke 2  
Lt. W. W. HAZLETT 13, September Tony 1  
Lt. I. E. MOORE 13, September Zeke 1  
Lt. R. W. WILSON 13, September Zeke 1  
Lt. W. B. CARRELL 13, September Zeke 1  
Maj. M. J. V0LCANSEK 14, September Zeke 1 1
Maj. D. H. SAPP 14, September Zeke 2  
Lt. J. CRAIG 14, September Zeke   1
Lt. C. T. McLEAN 14, September Tony 1  
Lt. S. J. YEAGER 14, September Zeke 1 1
Lt. C. T. McLEAN 15, September Hap 1  
Lt. W. O. REID 15, September Zeke 1  
Lt. W. C. GHER 30, September Zeke 1  
    14 5

Missions In Combat Zone:
Individual Flights In Combat Zone:
Individual Contacts With Enemy:
Barges Destroyed:
Barges Left Smoking:

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