following are a compilation of the Intelligence Reports covering
activities of fighter planes based on Barakoma Strip, Vella
Lavella Island, Solomon Group. The
dates of these reports coincide with the dates of the second
combat tour of the “Flying Deuces.” The reports
illustrate well the important part our pilots played in
defeating Japanese air power in the Southwest Pacific and
in reducing enemy air fields to a negligible factor, facts
which made possible the subsequent landing on and capture
of Bouganville Island.
This report was prepared
for and presented to Captain Winfred O. Reid as a gesture
of appreciation not alone for his part in the combat activities
but for the unfailing kindness and consideration displayed
toward the men who “kept them flying.”
This dedication
to my father, W.O. Reid, has non-contiuous acconts of the
second combat tour of VMF-222 which was from