
"Munda was the 'Hell Hole' of all creation"

"We left Espirito Sept. 3rd, 1943 and under cover of darkness went into Guadlcanal in a transport plane. We stayed there until Sept.5th. 8 of us escorted a DC-3 transport filled with the rest of our pilots, (we left our ground crew at Espirito Santo) to Munda. Munda was the “Hell Hole” of all creation. Mud was knee deep all over the place. If you ran off the runway in your plane it would stick up in the mud & nose over."
-excerpt form diary of Capt. W.O. "Pappy" Reid
"The trees were all blown to pieces by our shelling and bombing when the Japs had it. Shell craters were all around the place Flies were terrible and the stink of dead Japs was worse. They buried them with bulldozers dozens at a time and lots of them weren’t covered or buried at all. We lived in tents that had foxholes on the inside of them."
-excerpt form diary of Capt. W.O. "Pappy" Reid
"We raided Kahili, Kieta, and Ballale on Bougainville Island. Our job was mostly to escort B-24 bombers at 30,000 feet. On my first hop over enemy territory we escorted B-24’s to Kahili. Several Zeros tried to intercept us. The last man in the division got shot up pretty bad and started back home. Williams, the second leader, went back with him (Joe Craig) to fight the Japs off. Craig jumped out over close to Vella La Vella and went into the ocean. Williams attracted the attention of a boat and started them to the rescue and he went out of gas, and he made a crash landing 500 yards from Craig."
-excerpt form diary of Capt. W.O. "Pappy" Reid

"In the meantime, Volcansek and I sighted a lone Zero and dove on him. He missed him and went on by him as the Zero turned over on his back. I was behind Volcansek and shot the Zero as he was on his back and started down into a “Split S”. He was smoking and going straight down when I saw him last. Volcansek and I headed for home because we were low on gas, right after shooting the Zero. Six Zeros got on our tail so we nosed over and opened the F4U’s wide open and shook them from our tail. I ran out of gas right at the field and made a water landing. I didn’t get hurt and a boat picked me up. Volcansek ran out of gas just as he hit the runway. Just as I went in Lt. Johnny Morris’s motor quit and he went in the water about 300 yards behind me. He was hurt a little but not bad. "
-excerpt form diary of Capt. W.O. "Pappy" Reid

Possibly Capt. Reid's ditched F4U off of Munda airfield. Aircraft shows no visible battle damage and appears to have made a "perfect" water landing as told by Lt. Col Reid to the Webmaster. Photo courtesy of Howard Sawyer.

Flight Log of Capt. W. O. Reid USMC-R






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