Midway July 16th for Hawaii on the inter island steamer Hualalai.
Arrived in Hawaii July 21st 1943. We went to a rest home in
Honolulu, and were there for a week. Everyone had a wonderful
time and enjoyed the change. We hadn’t seen a woman in
2 and half months."
-excerpt from diary of 1st Lt. W. O. "Pappy" Reid
pilots in foreground; Hualalai in background
SS Hualalai posing for a publicity photo for its Hawaii inte
risland service before the war.
VMF-222 officers
on the deck of the Hulalai enroute to Pearl Harbor from Midway,
July 16-21, 1943.
Apparently three
Flying Deuces could play the clarinet, base, and guitar as
well as they could fly.
This photo probably
wasn't sent to any Flying Deuces' families back home.